Accounting and auditing services

დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
განცხადების ID
მობ. ტელ.
8 თვის წინ
Ts. Dadiani St. 7. In the building of S/C Karvasla
რუკის გაფართოება
We offer: ➡️limited liability enterprises; ➡️individual enterprises; ➡️small entrepreneurs;

✅ conducting accounting;

✅ arrangement of primary documentation;

✅ Accounting processing;

✅ Provision of tax declaration;

✅ tips and recommendations;

✅ agreements (drafting/arrangement);

✅Cash/bank processing. income-exit order;

✅ Sales of enterprise revenues - services (invoices, invoices, invoices);

✅ Source of salary (salaries and rates equal to it);

Income tax declaration (tax information);

✅ monthly VAT declaration (calculations/payments);

✅ bills of lading, invoices (inventories/warehouse-control);

✅ Enterprise expenses (monthly);

✅ profit/property tax, annual declaration;

✅ annual declaration of an entrepreneur/natural person;

✅ The documentation will be processed in the relevant accounting program;

✅Internal audit of accounting records is performed periodically;

✅ We will provide you with information about the state of the company.

➡️declarations forwarded in previous years are fully checked;

➡️bills, invoices, calculated, paid/payable VAT, salaries, income and other taxes;

➡️we will compile and search for lost documents;

➡️we will completely correct the mistakes made;

➡️we will specify the declarations;

Accordingly, it becomes possible to return the overpaid amounts;

➡️The public has active contacts with our company, through which they receive free consultations and recommendations, which will help you manage the company;

➡️compiling/searching for documents. ‼️‼️You will always have information about your company.

Miss: Ts. Dadiani St. 7. In the building of S/C Karvasla. Fourth floor, room C 419.

☎️ 551-152-154;
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